The 2024 Trial World Championship kicks off with the first indoor event, which will be precisely at the classic Palau Sant Jordi in Barcelona, which hosts its 47th edition.
There is great expectation to see Adam Raga’s debut at the controls of his new SHERCO 2024 in an official competition, as well as to see the performance shown by the great favorites, such as Toni Bou, Jaime Busto and Gabriel Marcelli.
What day and time is the X-Trial de Barcelona 2024 held?
It will be held next Sunday, February 4 at 5:00 p.m
How to get tickets for the X-Trial de Barcelona 2024?
Fans who wish to live an even more special experience have at their disposal both the seats located in the stands at track level and also the “Gold Pass”, a pass-ticket that also gives the right to witness the evolutions of the riders in the warm-up area before the competition and to be able to greet them, among other exclusive privileges. The “Family Pack” (2 adults and 2 children). Tickets can be purchased here.
Will there be women’s trial at the X-Trial in Barcelona?
Yes, the complete top-5 of the last TrialGP Women’s World Championship will be at the Palau Sant Jordi on February 4. Emma Bristow and Berta Abellán – world champion and runner-up respectively – open the list, in which one of the revelations of last season, the British Alice Minta, enters for the first time.
Which riders are participating in the X-Trial de Barcelona 2024?
The riders who will compete in the X-Trial of Barcelona are: Toni Bou, Jaime Busto, Gabriel Marcelli, Adam Raga, Benoit Bincaz, Aniol Gelabert, Toby Martyn and Matteo Grattarola
The nine registered riders will take part in the FIRST LAP, which will consist of FIVE (5) ZONES. Each rider will complete all the zones in a row, for which they will have a maximum time of five minutes. Each zone that is not completed within the maximum time established will carry FIVE (5) penalty points.
The starting order on the first lap will be determined by the judges of the race.
The classification of the first lap will be made according to the penalties (technical and time) added by each rider on his route.
The driver with the lowest penalty score will occupy the first position and receive 1 competition point. The second will receive 2 competition points and so on.
In the second lap all the riders will take part again and it will be developed in a similar way to the first, with the only exception that the maximum time to cover the FIVE (5) ZONES will now be four minutes.
The starting order in the second lap will be the reverse of the final classification of the first lap.
The classification of the second lap will be made according to the total time invested by each rider to complete the course. The time recorded by the stopwatch will be added to the technical penalties converted into time (1 technical penalty point is equivalent to 10 seconds and a “fiasco” is equivalent to 60 seconds). Each zone not completed or not attempted within the maximum time allowed will carry a 60-second time penalty.
As on the first lap, the rider with the highest classification on the second lap will receive 1 competition point; the second, two competition points and so on.
The THREE (3) DRIVERS with the fewest competition points after adding those obtained on the first and second laps will qualify for the final. The final will be played in SIX (6) ZONES and the three finalist riders will complete each zone one after the other.
All drivers will start the final with zero points.
The first rider to complete the first zone of the final will be the one who arrives with the worst overall score (more competition points) and the last to do so will be the one who arrives with the best score (fewer competition points).
The starting order of the riders may vary in the following zones, because the first to run each zone of the final will always be the driver with the lowest classification in the provisional classification – the real-time classification – of the final itself.
Each rider will have ONE (1) MINUTE of maximum time to complete each zone of the final. Exceeding this maximum time will mean a penalty in that area of FIVE (5) POINTS.