What Should You Know About Oil Mixing on 2-Stroke Trial Bikes?

¿Cúanto dinero gana un piloto profesional de Trial? Getting the percentage of the oil-in-fuel mixture of a trial bike with a two-stroke engine right is essential. There are risks to the mechanics and their performance, whether there is an imbalance

How to maintain and tighten the chain of the trial bike?

Before addressing how the tensioning and detensioning process is executed to achieve the ideal heights, it may be the case that in trial bikes with a certain age the eccentrics (tensioners that are located on both sides of the axle)

Why trial grips are a key point on your bike

And this brings us to a number of questions. Have you ever realized that together with the footpegs they are the only point of contact between rider and bike? Can some grips favor my riding more than others? How to

Replacing front brake pads on a trial bike

Braking is one of the key points in the trial bike, as it determines the precision in all technical aspects of riding, and is also a key point for the placement of the bike in the zone. At Trialworld Garage

Showa shock absorber adaptation on a TRRS

“MRS. TRS, LET ME INTRODUCE YOU TO MR. SHOWA” If you have it handy, play the “Out of Africa” soundtrack and remember when Meryl Streep met Robert Redford. It is indisputable that they are made for each other, however, they

5 keys to the maintenance of a trial bike

Compared to other motorcycling disciplines, trial is the simplest and most economical specialty, both in terms of equipment for the trial rider and the maintenance of the trial bike. In trial, there is generally little electronic sophistication. While it is