Marc Colomer

Toni Bou renews with HRC until 2027

Toni Bou will remain linked to Montesa Honda for the next four seasons, which will mean that he will be an active professional trial rider well into his 40s. A major challenge for Toni Bou, who could surpass 40 world titles and set an absolutely unprecedented record in the history of motorcycling. HRC has assured Toni Bou that he will

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Marc Colomer explains in an interview at the Andorran GP the particularities between the Gas Gas TXT GP 2018 of Jeroni Fajardo and Jaime Busto . Colomer clarifies that the differences between the two bikes are focused on the level

Marc Colomer new Sports and Racing Director of Gas Gas

As of September 1, 2017, Marc Colomer will hold the position of Sports and Competition Director of GasGas. To date, Colomer was already the Sports Director of the Trial section, as well as boasting a top-level sporting record with four