
ADAM RAGA speaks out for the first time after announcing his departure from TRRS: “I want to keep racing”

¿Quién se queda con la TRRS de Adam Raga en 2024? Coinciding with the celebration of the X-Trial in Madrid, Adam Raga visited us at the Trialworld Store facilities and we had time to chat for several hours about the different topics that surround his sporting news. Subsequently, we recorded an 18-minute interview that perfectly summarizes the situation and where

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VIDEO | Keys to electronic injection on trial bikes

LISTEN TO PODCASTS Technologically, we are facing a critical moment in the history of trial. The evolutionary dynamics of this sector are relatively slow due to the limited size of the market, so that the fans themselves are, on many

Electric Motion EPURE Race Preparation with Junior Kit

We present a very interesting project that undoubtedly makes parents rethink the evolutionary path of their children in their learning at the controls of the trial bike. Here we have the Electric Motion EPure Race “Kit Junior” and below we

How much money does a professional trial rider make?

It’s the big question we’ve asked ourselves many times. And not only because of the curiosity to know how much professional trial riders earn, but also to understand what possibilities there are to grow sportively as a pilot and end

NONSTOP on the trial bike and the reason for its decline

The NONSTOP The Regulations of the Trial Bike Since the origins of trial, although today it is generating great controversy, since the technical evolution of riding and the capacity of the bikes have made clear the incompatibility with this regulation

How to pass the MOT on a trial bike?

Consejos para acertar comprando una moto de trial usada – ocasión Trial bikes are required to pass the ITV (Technical Vehicle Inspection), just like any other motorcycle, as long as the bike is registered, regardless of the use we give

Secrets and tips for initiation to Children’s Trial

It is essential that the child sees Trial as a game. The technical demands of many sports, including Trial, require continuous learning that generally begins at a very early age. Not all of them start directly on the motorcycle, but

Tips for buying a used trial bike right

5 errores a la hora de comprar una moto de trial The purchase of a second-hand or used trial bike is a process that generates as much excitement as fear (or respect). A large part of the Users looking for

BETA EVO MY 2023 news review

Prueba Beta EVO Factory 300 2022: “hay vida más allá de la exclusividad” The new Trial EVO 300 2023 Beta is now available on the Trialworld Store. We have taken advantage of the arrival of the first unit to tell