Jaime Busto Spanish TR1 Trial Champion 2022

The 2022 Spanish Trial Championship has come to an end with the fifth round of the Spanish Trial Championship, held in the Barcelona town of Cal Rosal in two days of scoring competition days.

Jaime Busto has been proclaimed Spanish Trial Champion 2022, a title he already won in 2021 and confirms consecutively in this edition, ahead of Adam Raga, runner-up, and Gabriel Marcelli in third place.

jaime busto campeon españa trial 2022
CET TR1 final podium with Jaime Busto as champion
podium cet cal rosal gabriel marcelli
Podium TR1 CET Cal Rosal


In the top category, Gabriel Marcelli took the victory, being the best throughout the day. Both on the first and second laps he overtook the rest of his category rivals and that was enough for him to finish the season on the first step of the podium. Adam Raga was second and Jaime Busto third, with this position being enough for him to take the gold medal in 2022.


Pau Martinez won in TR2 offering a nice fight with Oriol Noguera, who in the end is the champion, being separated by only 1 point. Gil Vila rounded out the top three. Jordi Sanjuan, winning and taking the title, Jordi Camp and Rodrigo Marchal were the best of TR3 and Dani Comas, champion, Cristian Naranjo and Héctor Gairín of TR4.


Hugo Barrera and Marc Piquer were in charge of fighting to be the best in Junior, something that the Sherco rider also achieved, taking the title. Mateu Crespí was third. Martí Escofet won in the Cadet 125cc, Marcos Combarro was second, which was enough to be champion, and Aniol Llamas third. Ramón Godino, Bernat Vendrell, as champion, and Jaume Gost occupied the three boxes of honour in the Cadet category.

Jorge García was the protagonist of Juvenil A by adding only one point and winning the title of the category. Genís Forns qualified second and Joan Mir third. Nico Rodríguez, Otger Martí and Guiem Martorell were first, second and third, respectively, in Juvenil B, but the one who took the gold medal was Xicu Mari.

Mariona Tasias, Eva Muñoz and Daniela Hernando fought until the end to win in the highest category of Women. It was Mariona who took the victory after scoring 78 points, compared to Eva’s 90 and Daniela’s 96. Yaiza Blanco, Leire Rodríguez and Alexia Lladó became the protagonists of the Women’s TR3, a category with up to 10 entries.

Tasias, Hernando and Lladó are the best this year.

Jesús Martín, with only two penalties, won in Veteran A leaving Claudi Obrado second and Jordi Tarruella third. The champion of this category is Jesús Martín. Manuel Panizo, as the best of the year, Rodrigo García and Mikel Lertxundi were in the photograph as the best of Veterano B and Manuel Ruiz, being champion, Miguel Llinares and Arnau Sorribas in the TR5.

The protagonists of the season took the gold, silver and bronze medals at the end of each day of competition, thus closing a fantastic year.

Source & Information: RFME

gabriel marcelli montesa victoria
Gabriel Marcelli CET Cal Rosal
adam raga trrs 2023
Adam Raga CET Cal Rosal
jaime busto campeon españa trial 2022
Jaime Busto CET Cal Rosal




GABRIEL MARCELLI (P1)"The end of the season has been very positive. We finished the year achieving in the last race that victory that we wanted so much this season. These last few races I've felt very comfortable with the bike and with the team, and I think it's very positive for next year. This victory is the best motivation to come back stronger than ever next season."

adam raga (P2)"I'm satisfied with how things went in today's race, and even more so for having managed to improve my result in CET 2021, returning to the runner-up position. The goal is always the title and that's what we have to keep working towards next season. Even though I'm a 40-year-old driver, I feel competitive and that's important to keep the level of work and motivation. I want to thank the whole team for their effort and work throughout the season."

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