Gas Gas Contact 250 & 300 Trial Excursion 2017

Gas Gas is preparing the arrival of a new model of trial excursion under the name Contact, very popular in its models of the 90s. The Gas Gas Contact 2017 really represents the continuity of a project that already saw the light of day in the decadent stage of Gas Gas –
see Gas Gas Contact 250 2015

The new management of Gas
wanted to maintain this “offroad” concept marked by its versatility, fun and a lower acquisition price compared to a trial or enduro motorcycle. Therefore, the potential buyer of a Gas Gas Contact is the entry-level enthusiast who seeks to enjoy off-road without great sporting pretensions and, of course, also for those users who want to get started in the world of off-road motorcycles.
The essence of the Contact is achieved by “decaffeinating” the sporting skills of the Trial TXT and installing more basic components, but perfectly balanced for the pretensions of this trial touring bike.
Gasgas Contact Excursion News


Standard seat: The Contact Trial incorporates the seat for a more comfortable ride.
More autonomy: as if that were not enough, this model incorporates a 3.5-litre tank capacity that together with its 250cc and 300cc engines gives it a higher range than usual.
Engines with 250cc. and 300cc. powered by a Dell’Orto carburetor and a specific exhaust curve and smoother power map.
More basic and specific suspension and shock absorber for trial excursions
The dry weight is 69.5 kilos.
Gas Price Gas TXT 300 Contact 2017: 5.437€
Gas Price Gas TXT 250 Contact 2017: 5.365€

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