Duel between Jordi Tarres and Toni Bou in the GSeries. VIDEO

Boutarres Gseries, the two most successful national riders in the history of Trial, fought a duel this past weekend in Andorra. 

Both drivers never got to coincide sportively within the zones, but it is curious that theGSeries BPA car championship has thought of both to star in a race in the category “The Duel”.

Advantage for Jordi Tarrés

At the controls of a four-wheeled prototype with a Suzuki Hayabusa engine, both riders faced each other in 3 races where there was no shortage of exciting moments at the limit.

The first round was won by Toni Bou, while Jordi Tarrés won the second and third, the latter being the absolute winner of the fun duel. 


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