The 5 keys to climbing steps in Trial with more power

All the trial areas you face are full of obstacles that test your skills on the bike and your physical ability. In most areas, the trial rider encounters steps, jumps and flights that require a great ability to execute movements

What to drink and eat on a trial bike route?

Rider, now that we are starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel after several months of quarantine in which we have not been able to enjoy the bike, an of Trial routes opens up before us

Physical training for Trial from home with TRX

Trialer, we know that you have little time to go to the gym (or maybe you don’t even like it) and training on the bike, on weekdays, for many it is not an option. If you’re only going to have

Powering Offroad launches its APP for beta testers

“We have invited our community of fans and riders to test the first mobile platform specialized in sports training and preparation for amateur riders of any offroad sport modality and we received more than five hundred applications.” An exclusive group

Four Basic Trial Moves You Can Improve Today

Rider, we know how frustrating it is when you don’t get the basic trial moves on the bike. And you have to gas because your body doesn’t do what you want it to. It’s like the bike and the body

Concentration Techniques for Trial Races

Trialers, even the most pro riders struggle to keep their head in races, especially when things start to go wrong. Trial training is a challenge that all riders, professional or amateur, face at one time or another. I’m sure this

Physical exercises for trials without leaving home

Trialer, you already know that it is vital that you train your physique if you want to ride safely for many years. But I also know that sometimes you don’t have time or going to the gym doesn’t motivate you

What happens to pilots when they’re not training?

Trialist, sometimes you make silly mistakes in the areas, which are not worthy of the level you have riding, right? Sometimes you’re unable to flow with the bike, you’re slow, clumsy, you don’t have balance… And don’t you sometimes get