Aniol Gelabert announces his departure from Beta and will sign for TRRS

aniol gelabert beta

Aniol Gelabert announced last Thursday that he would no longer be linked with Beta in the coming season, thus leaving his position as official rider for the Italian brand.

The 23-year-old rider from Girona is in a great professional moment, having had a positive 2023 season where he finished in sixth position, behind Adam Raga. His best result this season has been two fifth places in the absolute TrialGP category.

A season that has been marked by the return of Matteo Grattarola to Beta in the middle of the season, leaving Aniol in a more complicated position than at the beginning of the year, where he was the spearhead of the team.

The continuity of Grattarola with Beta for next year, together with the general budget restriction that is being experienced in the competition teams of the trial brands, has favored Aniol to seek new challenges for 2024.

The most interesting and obvious leap is to occupy the seat that is left vacant in TRS Motorcycles after the departure of Adam Raga this December. A position that was not entirely clear, since at the beginning of September there were doubts about the positioning that TRRS was going to pose at the competition level for 2024.

With this move by Aniol Gelabert, which is not yet official, TRRS secures its presence in the top category and has a young rider, of great talent and projection, to keep its presence alive in all categories of the Trial World Championship.

In this video we take a deeper look at the situation of Aniol Gelabert, TRRS and Adam Raga, who has not yet confirmed which bike he will be riding next season.

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