Toni Bou wins in Cahors and opens an insurmountable gap for the title

2022 Trial World Championship
held its fifth and penultimate Grand Prix in Cahors, France. A location that, if you remember, was the last to be added to the calendar.

Cahors is also famous for the urban trial that is held every year in the city, so there is a great atmosphere of trial fans, as was also demonstrated in this world championship.

This race, held over a single scoring day, was decisive for the calendar, as it would decide whether Jaime Busto was able to cut the 26-point advantage over Toni Bou, or if the reigning champion was able to strengthen his lead. And the latter happened.

Jaime Busto has shown consistency and success throughout the season, being Toni Bou's only real rival in the fight for the title, something that requires a lot of perseverance and no margin for error. The mistakes of the second lap have prevented him from reaching Italy with a real chance of fighting for the title. Still, the season has been spectacular.

Adam Raga returns to the podium in Cahors


Jaime Busto had a good start to the race, but Toni Bou didn’t miss either. For the Vertigo rider everything began to go wrong in the last two sections, where a fiasco was left and the Montesa rider began to open a small gap.

In the second pass through the sections, Jaime had problems and was the only rider who did not improve his previous partial, reloading points in the last sections, so that not only was it impossible to get close to Toni Bou, but he fell to sixth position overall, thus losing the championship rope. Busto is guaranteed the runner-up spot, which is a great result, but it would have been very exciting to see the two riders battle it out in the final GP of the season.

On the other hand, Adam Raga came out on top of the intense fight for the podium, where up to seven riders arrived with options for the podium in the last sections. With this second position, Adam takes a breath and confidence, as well as recovering the provisional third position in the championship, which he will have to defend over Fajardo in Italy.

Matteo Grattarola adds a new podium in TrialGP
Jaime Busto lost his title chances in the second round

The fourth position went, once again, to Gabriel Marcelli, who continues to put in good performances and with records very close to the places of honour. Behind, a more in-form Miquel Gelabert who improves significantly compared to the last few races.

Jaime Busto was sixth, five points off the podium, followed by Bincaz and Jeroni Fajardo who, although he had an optimal ride, lacked accuracy to defend his third position overall.

Everything will be decided at the Italian GP, which will take place on September 17 and 18. It will be the last race of the 2022 World Championship and all that remains is the Trial of Nations, also in Italy.

Marcelli was fourth in Cahors
Miquel Gelabert, fifth, improves compared to the last races



toni bou (P1)"We started very well today. I had a good feeling on the bike and you could see that during the race. It was a trial with few mistakes, but with the possibility of messing it up, so we had to make sure in the most complicated sections. The only serious mistake I made was in the tricky zone 3. Overall, we had a very complete race, scoring only 12 points. I'm very happy and for the championship these are very important points. In Italy we will have to do a normal race, taking care of the physique and the bike. We will go for a new title, after a very good year in which we have been very consistent in all the championships."

ADAM RAGA (P2)"It wasn't the result we were looking for here, but the truth is that some steps have been complicated for us and that has weighed us down in the final result. For example, in zone eleven, we lost some important points that would have taken us higher. We're going to keep fighting and giving our best in every race. We're confident we'll be back up there next week in France."

GABRIEL MARCELLI (P4)"I'm happy to be back on the podium after the problems of the last few races. On the first lap I was put in a fiasco for stopping, something that is difficult to measure, which weighed me down on the first lap. The second lap was better, knowing where we had to push and things worked out. We're going to keep working to be at our best in Italy and give 100%."

Benoit Bincaz (P7)"It's been a lot of fun racing here with my home crowd. It's an event I've really been looking forward to, and with the good weather, it's been very, very good. My riding was good today, but I made two big mistakes, which didn't help me because things were very close between many riders. I was hoping for a better result than seventh, but that's okay, my riding was good. Now it's time for the final event in Italy and a good end to the championship."

miquel gelabert (P5)"It's certainly a mixed feeling for me after the TrialGP here in France. I was riding really well all day and pushing hard to be on the podium. To be only two points off third, well, of course it's disappointing, but overall the day was good. It's been a fun test, and now, with just one round of the championship to go, I'm going to keep working hard so I can give my best in Italy and do my best to end the season with a podium."

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