Preparation GASGAS TXT 300 Stealth by BROC Trial Team

The protagonist of this report is a GASGAS TXT with a very special preparation, in charge of the Broc Trial team.

A job that is born more from the passion and desire to have an exclusive motorcycle, than to obtain high competition performance, although it is a goal that has also been achieved.

GASGAS TXT preparacion BROC Trial
GASGAS TXT 300 prepared by the BROC TRIAL TEAM

Gasgas TXT 300 Stealth Preparation

The bike was completely disassembled. Piece by piece it was worked on and improved as much as possible. The base, a grey colour for the chassis; As for the ” PRO” components , they have had the collaboration of the TRUN preparer, which in addition to aesthetics provides performance. The suspension settings, the entire engine and especially the clutch have been revised.

COSTA PARTS and GECO have also participated in the project. To top it off, we have a multitude of components made of carbon fiber, some of them never seen before. We’re referring to the throttle cover, side covers where the map and light switches are embedded, as well as the transmission kit guard.

In short, a meticulous and detailed work to get the best out of a base as popular as the GASGAS TXT, providing exclusive components under a truly spectacular aesthetic.

Below you have the complete list of the preparation, the brands and the products that make it up.

"My bike needed a good overhaul and I was tired of seeing everything the same year after year, with the red chassis and few changes in general. I wanted a black, aggressive aesthetic, and when I saw the Jitsie Steath decoration for GASGAS, I was clear about the inspiration."

GASGAS TXT preparacion BROC Trial
Focus on clutch cover with protector and GASGAS TXT cooling hoses

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