Toni Bou leaves the world title sealed at the Spanish GP

Toni Bou has added a very important double in the Spanish Trial Grand Prix, held in Pobladura de las Regueras (León) with two days of scoring competition. A result that allows Toni Bou to leave the world title sealed for next Saturday in Gouveia, Portugal, where he will only have to finish the race to renew the crown for the fifteenth consecutive time.

For his part, Adam Raga has been on the podium on both days, mathematically achieving the runner-up position in the world championship. A hard-fought result with Jaime Busto on both days. On Saturday it was the TRRS rider who climbed to the second step of the podium by just one point over the Vertigo rider. On Sunday, however, the tables were turned.

Jaime Busto’s impressive progression and consistency in the last few races have propelled him to third place in the overall standings, overtaking Matteo Grattarola, who did not have the expected weekend.

"Toni Bou will need just one point at the Portuguese GP to clinch the 2021 Trial World Championship title."

Fourth place both days for Gabriel Marcelli, who put in his best performance of the season at the Spanish GP. Fifth, also on both days, Matteo Grattarola, who cedes the provisional third position in favour of Jaime Busto, but remains with options to challenge him for the place in the Portuguese GP this coming weekend.

On the other hand, there was an interesting fight in the general classification between Gelabert and Fujinami for fifth position. Right now both are tied on 85 points and everything will be decided in this last race.

On the other side of the coin we have Fajardo and Casales, who have not quite found the expected rhythm this season. Two riders who in recent seasons were regularly subscribed to the podium and who in this campaign are occupying positions quite far behind.

Podium GP España TrialGP 2021
Adam Raga TRRS TrialGP 2021


toni bou (P1)"After yesterday's victory, today we fought throughout the race. I had a mistake in zone 8 and I knew that zone 11 was our last chance, I took a chance and it worked out well. Winning in the last few sections is an incredible feeling. I want to congratulate Jaime Busto because not only today he was very strong, but all weekend and I think this is very good for the Trial. There will be a great final duel together with Adam Raga. This is very nice and adds more value to the victories. I'm 19 points clear in the overall standings, but until I finish the last race in Portugal anything can happen. This week I will have to be careful and for the last race we will have to be very focused, so that we don't have any mechanical problems or anything that could prevent us from winning the World Championship."

ADAM RAGA (P2)"I feel very satisfied to mathematically win the title of runner-up in the world. It's been 15 years positioned as the best-ranked rider with 2T and that confirms that we are working in the right direction. In Pobladura de las Regueras we had a good ride, but in the first laps of both days we made too many mistakes and we paid for it in the result. Nonetheless, it's been a positive weekend."

TRIALgp Spain classification

GP SPAINNay Day 1 - trialgp

GP SPAINny Day 2 - trialGP



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