Pablo Suarez

Toni Bou renews with HRC until 2027

Toni Bou will remain linked to Montesa Honda for the next four seasons, which will mean that he will be an active professional trial rider well into his 40s. A major challenge for Toni Bou, who could surpass 40 world titles and set an absolutely unprecedented record in the history of motorcycling. HRC has assured Toni Bou that he will

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Montesa Talent School defines its pilots for 2023

Montesa’s promotion formula, the Montesa Talent School, reaches its seventh edition with a team made up of four pilots who will participate in both national and international competitions. The Montesa Talent Team was founded in 2017 and has been the

Spectacular video of Marcelli and Suárez on the Galician cliffs

Transportes Julio Rico, personal sponsor of the riders Gabriel Marcelli and Pablo Suárez, organised a spectacular trial session in an environment such as the coast of A Coruña, with very Galician weather and two great riders having fun among stones

Pablo Suárez joins the Montesa Talent School

The reigning 2019 Spanish TR2 Champion, Pablo Suárez, will take the controls of a Montesa Cota 301RR next season after signing with Montesa Talent School. During 2020 Pablo will return to compete in the Trial World Championship in the Trial2