
VIDEO | Keys to electronic injection on trial bikes

LISTEN TO PODCASTS Technologically, we are facing a critical moment in the history of trial. The evolutionary dynamics of this sector are relatively slow due to the limited size of the market, so that the fans themselves are, on many occasions, the ones who view the big changes with scepticism and prudence. On this occasion we are going to talk

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Trial Training: NLP

Unlike in other automotive disciplines, where having a competitive bike or vehicle is decisive to obtain the desired success, the Trial is at the opposite end of the scale. We could safely say that the bike and rider represent 15%

Plyometric Training for Trials

Have you ever wanted to do jumps like Toni Bou? To have a riding style like Raga?  If you answered yes, you should try to make plyometrics an important component of your overall training and conditioning program. Most elite athletes

Plan your season this way

Optimal season planning is essential in any rider, but especially in a trial rider, since six major championships are held in the elite throughout the year (National Indoor and Outdoor, World Indoor and Outdoor, TDN Indoor and TDN Outdoor). If